Receiving an infringement notice from Strike 3 Holdings can be intimidating and stressful. As an experienced lawyer in copyright I have dealt with many of these cases. I have guided many clients in these cases to get the best outcome, and with my co-councel even took Strike 3 Holdings to the eve of a jury trial to protect my innocent Strike 3 victim.
Let me share some of my insights to help you navigate this situation and what steps to take to protect your rights.
Step 1: Understanding your letter from the internet service provider (ISP).
Strike 3 holdings is one of the only copyright plaintiffs to file lawsuits en-masse against alleged online file-sharing. They forego the sending of warning letters or takedown notices. Instead they wait for the potential defendant to accumulate at least 24 infringements before filing a lawsuit.
The letter you have received informs you that they believe your IP address was involved in the downloading of their copyrighted material by using BitTorrent. This notice is accompanied by a court-ordered subpoena compelling your ISP to disclose the identity of the subscriber.
In the letter sent by your ISP you can find some key information that you will need for your consultation with me, in which we can discuss the options available to you.
- Case Number: This connects you with a specific lawsuit currently filed against a “John Doe” defendant. With this I can look up your case and find specific details about the alleged infringements.
- Deadline for your ISP: There will be a deadline given by the court to your ISP, at this date they will reveal your identity to Strike 3 Holdings, LLC.
- Details of the case: Your ISP might include a package with the details of the infringements, such as the Copyright Registration numbers of the Movies allegedly downloaded and the dates and times this alleged infringement has taken place. If your ISP did not include this, I can provide this to you through your Case Number.
Step 2: Consult an Experience Attorney.
While these lawsuits are filled en-masse, each case is different based on your situation. The best way to plan a legal strategy against these Lawsuits is by contacting an experienced Attorney who understands their playbook and can help guide you through this process to give you the best possible outcome. This is where I come in.
Here is how I can help you:
- Evaluate your situation: We will take a look at the alleged infringements and evaluate if you or anyone in your household are responsible for these claims.
- Planning a legal strategy: Based on the information you provided we will come up with a legal strategy. I can assert your innocence against Strike 3 Holdings, LCC or negotiate a settlement with them. I have developed effective strategies for dealing with these lawsuits.
- Negotiate Settlements: I will fight to negotiate a fair and confidential settlement on your behalf, in which I will take into consideration your financial abilities towards paying these settlements. Every step taken will be discussed with yourself.
Together we will choose the right response for your situation.
Step 3: Preserve evidence and protect yourself.
The letter from the ISP acts as a notice to the lawsuit. Therefore you need to ensure that you do not delete or modify anything related to your internet activity or devices you have. Courts take spoliation of evidence very seriously and if your case ends up in litigation this could harm your case. However, step you can take now is changing your Wi-Fi password and only giving out the new password to people you trust and ensuring they will not use your internet to download Strike 3 holdings, LLC content through BitTorrent.
What to do
If you’ve received a copyright infringement notice from Strike 3 Holdings, LLC, know that you are not alone and help is available. Take action quickly by contacting myself for a free consultation tailored to your personal circumstances and use me as a resource to ask all your questions and explore the legal strategies available to you.
I can be reached directly at 610-466-5644 by voice or text. My email address is Contact me any time, day or night, and I’ll do my best to answer or get back to you promptly.
— Leonard French, Esq.